Use your super to save for your first home

Use the new First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSS) to save your first home deposit faster If you’re saving for a deposit on your first home, the Federal Government’s First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSS) could help you reach your target sooner, by allowing you to save for your deposit inside your super. A government initiative introduced in late … Read more

Why an emergency fund delivers peace of mind

When life tosses up an unexpected event – such as retrenchment, a medical emergency or even just a big bill to fix the car – it can be nerve-wracking worrying about how to deal with the crisis. And, if funds are short, that just adds to the stress. But imagine that you have a secret … Read more

Adding bonds to your investment mix

Bonds can play an important role in investment portfolios, but what exactly are they, what are their benefits, and how do you invest in them?  What are bonds? Bonds are a type of investment security that enable investors to lend their money to a bond issuer for a set term in return for regular income … Read more